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copyCA: poduszdE3FcDDwnQydgNEyhTKSCQySaa4dgj5up5SYc

Who da reel prezdent of da Younited Stoots iz?

$PODUS is the first decentralized US presidential election ever. The PODUS protocol was taken over by the community and is now a platform to decentralize reward distribution to the most effective UGC creators.

Vote for your favorite candidate at each poll using $PODUS token. The winning voters will be entered in a raffle to win one third of the entire poll's pot of $PODUS token. One third of that pot will be airdropped to the winning candidate, and one third will be burned.

Da Votien boof





$PODUS is da ultimit meem showduwn between da best cuntent creatrz. Wif da beeg elekshun latur dis yr, we want da most entertening leadur voetd in.

We're heer to bring togetha all da Soluna citzenz nd creatrz and gib back welth to da peepl throo benger cuntent nd desentralzd voets.

So grab sum $PODUS nd join da party! $PODUS is for da peepl nd takn ovr by da peepl. We're genna mak Soluna gret again, one vot at a tiem. Der is room for all creatrz nd citzenz to partisipet nd join da commoonty!

How to Buy

Muk a Wallot

Download Phantom or ur wallet of choice from da app store or google play store fo' free. Desktop users, download da google chrome extension by goin' to Phantom.app.

Geo Get Sum SOL

Have SOL in ur wallet to switch to $PODUS. If u don't have any SOL, u can buy directly on Phantom, transfer from anotha wallet, or buy on anotha exchange and send it to ur wallet.

Goo 2 Raydium

Connect to Raydium. Go to raydium.io in google chrome or on da browser inside ur Phantom app. Connect ur wallet. Paste da $PODUS token address into Raydium, select $PODUS, and confirm. When Phantom prompts u for a wallet signature, sign.

Switch SOL for $PODUS

Switch SOL for $PODUS. We have ZERO taxes so u don't need to worry about buyin' with a specific slippage, although u may need to use slippage durin' times of market volatility.


Faktz :

Cuntrakt Renownsd

LP Bornd

90% LP

2% Teamz

4% Murciten

4% Airdroops



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